Fake boob thoughts
Why are men so fascinated with fake boobs? I mean come on they are FAKE! They feel fake. If that is what you want then fine....go and buy a love doll or a manequin.They usually look really fake or are so ridiculously large and out of proportion to the woman’s body. But because we cannot think for ourselves and only listen to what is force-fed to us by the ad agencies, the general public thinks that implants are great. Well guess what? THEY ARE NOT! I am a heterosexual male. I am a professional makeup artist and do a lot of body painting and body casting. I have worked with all types of women and seen a wide variety of breasts and you know what… I HATE BREAST IMPLANTS. I could go on here and rant on about how I feel about implants. I could talk about the one young lady who got implants and lost all feeling in her nipples. I could discuss how touching them was like feeling a softball, which to me is not a fun item to feel when compared to a natural breast. No, I want to just express how I think that people cannot think for themselves. We use to think the girl next door was gorgeous, now she has to have 38 D as a bra size before we even give her a side ways glance. Why is that? What’s wrong with smaller breasts? What happened to the thought that a natural non-medically enhanced body was a thing of beauty? Well sometime ago we started listening to what we were told to like. We stopped actually thinking for ourselves. We stopped liking things that we really liked and started to believe what we were told to like. We have become cattle that are led to whatever item the agencies want us to buy into. Think about it for a moment, what was the “look” a year ago, or for that matter six months ago. Awhile-back women had to be stick thin, then they had to be rock hard, and now they all have to have big boobs. Come on people start thinking for yourselves. What do you really want your girlfriend or wife to look like or feel like? Do you want someone that is beautiful now and will age and continue to be beautiful or do you want someone that will always need to go to the body shop to have the dents hammer out and be fiber glassed over the bad spots. I mean it… after someone starts with all these beauty enhancement treatments they have to continue to do it or the rest of their life. So it really is like taking your car into the shop to get overhauled. How many times can that be done before it really has no positive effect? Look at certain celebrities who have had a lot of work done. They really are scary and getting worse. Look at classic items of beauty; they continue to grow more beautiful. The same thing goes for humans. Why mess with your body by stuffing things that you do not need to be there into your body? Ladies stay the way you are. You do not have to add anything to yourselves. You are fine the way you are. Do not let mass media tell you how to look. Just let your natural beauty show. And guys stop buying into what is being told to you by the mass media. Think. Look at the women around you. Look at them all and figure out what you really like and want. Do not let the ad agencies make up your mind for you. Come on everyone think for yourself.