Reality Ends Here


I am Shadow Dancer. I have been referred to as a healer, medicine man and shaman. But I only see myself as someone in touch with what is going on around him and can listen with clarity to what the world and nature is saying. I wish to share this with all.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

To Her

Oh my dear demon sister
How I hunger
You who knows the Darkness
You who feels the hunger
You who robs my being
Cold Icy Frozen
Glances in the night
Black moments in your arms
My strength is yours
My cunning your tool
My devious nature
Your slave
Enwrap me within your wings
Take me back to Darkness
Chain me once again
Take me home.


Wrapped in velvet mist
Once again she confronts me
Chilling caresses sting my face
Memories of once was
Dreams of as then
Arise and surround me
She draws me in close
Her breath on my neck
Pulling me over the precipice
Falling Grasping Clinging
The want for more
The fear of want
Realeasing I plunge into
The inky abyss
Enveloping me she guides
She protects She shields
All for nothing
As the evil creeps in
Try as she might
I dissappear into the night. The pen is mightier than the blade.